Corporate Responsibility

Corporate Responsibility.

Health & Safety

ID infrastructure private limited (IDIPL) also has a strong commitment towards the safety of the people it interacts and has dealings with; hence, we take extreme care and precaution with every piece of infrastructure we build. We also believe in possibilities. Every ID infrastructure private limited (IDIPL) initiative hopes to empower the lives of the people connected to it. The progress of our people enables the progress of our company every accomplishment becomes a stepping-stone for us to better, to dream bigger, and create a better future. Our responsibility, as industry leaders, drives us to be bold and embrace tougher challenges, always pushing the envelope of what our peers consider possible.

Environmental Sustainability

Id infrastructure private limited (IDIPL) also has a commitment to maintain environmental sustainability. A state in which the demands placed on the environment can be met without reducing its capacity to allow all people to live well, now and in the future.

Construction has been accused of causing environmental problems ranging from excessive consumption of global resources both in terms of construction and building operation to the pollution of the surrounding environment. The primary Aim of ID infrastructure is green building design and using building materials to minimise environmental impact. However, relying on the design of a project to achieve the goal of sustainable development, or to minimise impacts through appropriate management on site

Our aim is to be at the forefront of the industry in reducing the impact of all our activities on the environment. In order to achieve aim we put our policies into practice every day as we manage and operates our business.